Garudan Africa
Garudan Africa
Anita B. deliver industrial and home sewing machines Garudan to more than 25 countries of the world. The biggest clients are from South America and especially from Brasilia, Colombia and Ecuador. Because of this our company established a branch to provide maintenance and installation services in Brasilia in 1999.
For great interest in sewing machines in Africa, we established a new branch in Nigeria for our current, new and future customers under the name Garudan Africa.

Ceremonial opening in Lagos was held on Thursday, April 7th, 2022, in the presence of representatives from Anita B. Mr. Burgr, Mr. Paar, representative of CzechTrade in Lagos Mr. Štěpán Beneš and embassy economic diplomat in Abuja Ms. Beata Matusik.

We strongly believe, that sewing machines Garudan will find their customers not only in Nigeria, but also in its neighboring countries not only for its tradition, but more importantly for its quality and performance, just like in the other countries of the world